Member Campus
per month
Businesses, franchises, and associations with up to 100 learners
Purchase This Plan
- 14 Day Free Trial
- 100 Active Learners
- 50 Courses
- 2 Admins
- 500 GB Bandwidth
- Professional Certification
- eCommerce Storefront
- Easy Admin Site
- Branded Site With Your Logo
- Social Media Links
- Campus Website & Video Hosting
- Responsive Website
- Secure & Automated
Business Campus
per month
Businesses, large franchises, and online educator associations with up to 1,000 learners
Purchase This Plan
- All Member Campus Features, plus:
- 1,000 Active Learners
- 200 Courses
- 20 Admins
- 1,500 GB Bandwidth
- Compliance Reporting
- Custom URL
Corporate Campus
per month
Corporations, universities, and government agencies with up to 3,000 learners
Purchase This Plan
- All Business Campus Features, plus:
- 3,000 Active Learners
- Unlimited Courses
- Unlimited Admins
- 3,000 GB Bandwidth
Enterprise Campus
Custom Solutions,
Contact Us
Large organizations and government agencies delivering more than 3 hours per month to over 3,000 learners
Get a Quote
- All Corporate Campus Features, plus:
- Unlimited Learners
- Scalable Bandwidth
- 24/7 Customer Service
- International Translation
Free Trial
14 days |
14 days |
14 days |
14 days |
Free Trial
All plans come with a 14-day free trial.
Number of Active Learners
100 |
1,000 |
3,000 |
Unlimited |
Number of Active Learners
This is the maximum number of people (Learners) that may log in during a billing cycle. You may have more Learner accounts registered on your site than this number but, the number of Active Learners is limited in a billing cycle. ie. you have 1,000 Learner Accounts but, only 99 log in during a billing cycle. Each individual Learner creates a Learner Account where they view or participate in courses, take tests, obtain written material and obtain their certificates of attendance.
If you are uncertain about the total number of Learners that will register for a campus, we suggest that you select the campus with the smallest number of Learners that you anticipate starting with. You may upgrade your account at any time within a few minutes.
Number of Courses
50 |
200 |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Number of Courses
This is the maximum number of courses that may be created on a campus. A Course consists of the Course video, any tests, evaluations, assessments, written material or certificate of attendance for one Course.
If you are uncertain about the total number of courses needed for a campus, we suggest that you select the campus with the smallest number of courses that you anticipate starting with. You may upgrade your account at any time within a few minutes
Number of Admins
2 |
20 |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Number of Admins
This is the total number of Administrator Accounts available. An Administrator Account is used to run the campus including creating courses, administering Learner Accounts, processing payments and all other campus functions. Admin Accounts may add or remove Learner Accounts, add courses to Learner Accounts, review and edit the Admin Account Profile and all other campus functions.
Maximum Bandwidth
500 GB (about 1,100 video hours) |
1,500 GB (about 3,500 video hours) |
3,000 GB (about 7,000 video hours) |
Scalable |
Maximum Bandwidth
We understand that this feature is confusing to many clients. Please contact us with any questions, we are glad to help. This is the total amount of data transfer available during a billing cycle measured in gigabytes “GB”. Each campus displays the total number of gigabytes with estimated video hours per months. The quick answer is; each hour of video is about half a gigabyte per Learner.
In order to estimate the bandwidth your campus requires, multiply the number of Learners by the total hours of video that each Learner will view each month, then multiply by 0.5. (Bandwidth = Learners X Hours of Video X 0.5). For example, if you have 80 Learners and they will view 4 one hour videos per month, the required bandwidth is 80 X 4 X 0.5 = 160 GB per month. Well within the amount of any campus plan.
Scalable Additional Bandwidth Per GB
$0.25 |
$0.22 |
$0.20 |
Scalable |
Scalable Additional Bandwidth Per GB
In the event a campus exceeds the Maximum Bandwidth, you may select to either automatically scale up and purchase additional bandwidth or, you may select to manually control the increase of the bandwidth as your needs increase. If you manually control the bandwidth, ApexCampus will send an email to the Admin Account notifying the campus of the possible data transfer restriction until an upgrade or the next billing cycle.
Professional Certification
Professional Certification
A campus may issue customized certificates to Learners upon the completion of a course, test or evaluation. The Admin Account controls the design, how and when the certificates are issued. The Admin Account controls whether the certificates are emailed to the Learner, business and/or accrediting agency.
eCommerce Storefront
eCommerce Storefront
One of the most powerful features of ApexCampus is the ability to set up a storefront quickly and seamlessly on your campus and sell your courses if you desire. You control all financial aspects, payments, refunds and customer relations. You may create an instant storefront during the creation of your campus account.
Easy Admin Site
Easy Admin Site
You control your campus through your Admin Account where you can easily create your educational campus, upload video content, add Learner Accounts, create tests, evaluations or assessments and issue certificates of attendance.
Branded Site With Your Logo
Branded Site With Your Logo
Add a business or organization logo and branding to a campus site. With a Branded Campus, your campus website URL address is [YourName.ApexCampus.com]. You do not need any other website or URL to set up a campus. You may also use a Custom URL of your own [YourSite.com] on a Business Campus account and higher (See Custom URL below).
Campus Website & Video Hosting
Campus Website & Video Hosting
No other website, URL, domain name or account is required. ApexCampus provides global hosting with secure accessibility.
Responsive Website
Responsive Website
The shift from desktop to mobile/tablet is accelerating. This feature is wonderful because you do nothing; your campus recognizes the kind of device used by the Learner and is responsive to all devices including mobile phones and tablets. All Learners and Admin can access accounts from any device. You can run your entire campus from a smart phone or tablet and Learners can complete courses from any mobile device, tablet, laptop, desktop and more. Conduct your entire eCommerce campus from a mobile device, tablet, laptop, desktop and more.
Secure & Automated
Secure & Automated
Your campus runs on a secure, monitored cloud environment and all traffic on apexcampus.com is encrypted using SSL.
Social Media Links
Social Media Links
Social networking drives new Learners to your campus. If you desire to promote your site, social media links are easily incorporated into your campus.
Compliance Reporting
Compliance Reporting
Monitor learner certificates and course completion, comprehensive reporting and accreditation.
Custom URL
Custom URL
Another powerful feature, this is also known as white labeling. Run your campus on your existing site. ApexCampus can operate in the background. If you already have a website [YourWebsite.com], you can very easily use ApexCampus with your site and have complete control on all branding, look, logos, style sheets and the Learner will not be aware that they are using the ApexCampus eLearning Platform. The integration can be accomplished, usually, within a few minutes and without the need for any IT or programming involvement.
27/4 Customer Service
27/4 Customer Service
For enterprise customers, 24/7 technical customer service.
International Translation
International Translation
For enterprise customers, global translation available.